Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Capturing Images On Creatures Of Nature

Photography is the art of creating a special medium beyond your self-expression. It requires good taste, good sense of appreciation and technical skills in capturing the subjects. Many believe that they can profit in this chosen field as long as they develop their technical skills and knowledge in becoming a talented professional photographer.

Nature photography has always been inspiring and exciting. It thrills every photographer with its mystery and the beauty of wildlife. One of the most amusing subjects for nature photographers are the birds.

Bird behavior has had great impact on pictures. Birds attract many photographers with their mastery of flight and their distinct diversity in nature. Here are some guides that will help you focus on improving your skill in capturing images on these magnificent creatures of nature.

1. You need to know what interests your mind. You have to know your topics so that you will not be confused. You should learn more about birds by investing on a good birding guide. This will help you know more about their behavior, breeding season, and bird eating habits.

2. You should always keep your subjects well being in mind. Avoid those instances that create stress on your images. If the bird is not in its natural behavioral characteristic, you should leave the bird alone and allow the bird to recover first from its stress. It can also be a sign that the bird might be nesting eggs somewhere near the site and that is why it portrays a “predator luring” behavior.

3. You should make your vehicle as your just like your camera an accessory. In some areas, you may see birds more adapted to vehicles and consider your vehicle less harmless than a person positioned on his tripod trying to take a good shot. You should learn how to be patient in finding the right place where the birds can accept the presence of your vehicle.

4. You may use fast shutter speeds cameras. This device is good in taking great bird images. Most birds are fast and can disappear quickly in the air. You may need a 1/500 second shuttering speed. This can capture sudden movements and flights.

As a nature photographer, you should maximize your surroundings. A good place for you to start your hobby in nature photography especially with birds is in your own backyard. You can then practice the art and techniques of capturing great shots and wonderful images that nature has to offer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Selecting The Correct Camera

There are actually two types of cameras that you can choose. It all depends on how new you want to be or how traditional you want to remain. Currently, the choices range from purchasing a manual camera or of the slew of hi-tech digital cameras.

To make it easier for you, the following are tips to help you choose the best digital camera as well as the perfect manual camera for you.

If you want to buy a manual camera, first determine if you would like for photography to be a hobby that is serious or simply a past time.

If you're really serious, it is best that you choose a camera that is an SLR or specifically a single lens reflex camera. The difference between a SLR camera and an average point & shoot one is that the former allows the photographer to adjust the aperture as well as the camera’s shutter speed. Though the pictures may be a bit difficult to take, it is more fulfilling to do so – if you have the patience for it - it allows you the opportunity to create the pictures you want. A point and shoot camera meanwhile simply just takes pictures as is and that may be what you want.

Get the opinion of an experienced photographer & photo magazine reviews

It is best that you research and read popular magazines on photography and see how they evaluate particular SLR cameras. It is highly advisable that you make yourself familiar with the current cameras being offered.

Reading up could also give you an idea of your needs. It will also help you decide if you want a camera that has a lens for doing close-up shots or do you want a camera with a flash system. What depth of field would you prefer?

Know how much you are willing to spend

The prices of cameras, particularly the SLR ones vary. The low end cameras offer automatic aperture settings and are basically manually operated. However, the camera models that are on the higher end also include features found on the low end cameras plus more. These types of cameras are also programmable, have an ability to measure flash through the camera’s lens and provide more aperture and shutter speed read outs.

Know how to choose when you are finally ready to choose

If you are already in the store and ready to pick a camera to purchase, it is best that you actually hold the camera and look through the camera’s view finder. Check how the camera focuses. Is it bright? Are you comfortable operating its controls? Is your wallet comfortable with its price?

It is best that the manual camera you choose fits not just your needs but your budget as well.
However, if you are intent on purchasing a digital camera and actually find nothing impressive about the manual camera, the following are basic tips to make your selection and purchase the best one.
As with purchasing a manual camera, set how much you are willing to spend when buying a digital camera. Know your monetary limits and work from there. Be open minded as well as realistic. A inexpensive digital camera may not necessarily be a low end kind and an expensive digital camera may not necessarily be a high end kind. Believe it or not, there are refurbished digital SLR cameras that are cheaper than the newer ones being offered, yet have more features not available on newer expensive types. There are many of these kind on ebay.

Determine how Experienced You Are

Be honest with yourself. How experienced or inexperienced are you? If you are a novice, then a point & shoot digital camera may be best for you, but if you are seriously intent on learning more, it would be best to choose a camera that offers more features, exposure, and control.

Check reviews

Just as with manual cameras, try your best to read on reviews of digital cameras. There are several sites on the web. These sites are both for serious and professional photographers as well as those that are just starting out.

All in all, choosing a camera is easy if you know what you are looking for. Start with yourself, your wants and your needs and everything else will fall into place.

Tips On Taking Pictures With A Digital Camera

Planning to get your hands on a digital camera but not sure if you can make the transition from your old camera that uses film to one that utilizes a memory card? If you are afraid of things that are complicated, then don't worry. Although digital cameras may be advanced, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are not user friendly. Here are some tips that can help you in taking pictures with a digital camera.

Enhance the color tones of your picture

There are times when you think that your shots have a cold or clammy aura. This is because digital cameras have default settings for white balance at auto. This is ok for most shots but if you want to increase the reds and the yellows of your shots, adjust the auto setting to cloudy. This makes your pictures appear warmer as well as richer.

Macro Mode

Activating the close up mode on your camera, usually called the macro mode, will make your shots have sharper details. This is very easy to use in digital cameras unlike in the conventional ones. To use your camera's macro mode, look for the icon that depicts the macro mode or "close up". Normally, the icon is that of a flower. Go as close to the object as your camera will allow. It is important to remember that you have a rather shallow field depth, thus it is important to focus on the subject's part that you consider to be the most significant.

Invest on file storage

Having a memory card that is capable of storing a large amount of picture files is important. This gives you the freedom to take more pictures. The higher the resolution of your camera which normally ranges from 2 mega pixels to up to 6 or more mega pixels, the higher the memory size of you card should be. With an ample sized memory card, you don't have to pass the opportunity to take a shot. No more worries of having a full memory card whenever that perfect shot appears.

Always use high resolution

Your digital camera has many resolution settings. Always take pictures using the highest possible setting. Although higher resolution means more memory used up, it isn't a problem if you have already acquired a good sized memory card. You will never know when the best shot you'll ever take in your whole life may pop up, why take it in poor resolution?

These tips will help you with your new digital camera. Never hesitate to take as many pictures as you can! Remember you have enough memory, why worry?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shoot Like Professionals

Whether you just have a simple point-and-shoot camera or the more expensive digital SLRs, you can definitely take quality pictures like the pros do. It’s not the type of camera that takes great shots, it’s the photographer. If you don't know how to correctly take a shot, you can take a really bad picture from an SLR camera.

As long as you know how to correctly take pictures and are willing to make some adjustments, taking great photos will be easy for you. Here are some tips to help you shoot like professionals even with your simple digital camera.

1. Would you like your shots to have a warmer feel? Most shots taken from a digital camera without any adjustments look cool and clammy. This is because the white balance setting is set to “auto” as default which is fine for snapshots.

If you want a warmer effect, though, with sharp colors, you may want to set the white balance to “cloudy” setting instead of auto. This is like adding a mild warming filter to the lens of your camera. Cloudy setting increases the yellow and red colors adding a richer and warmer effect to your shots.

2. Polarizing filters can be one of the most important investments you can add to your digital camera. These filters reduce the glare and unwanted reflections on your shots. This is great when you frequently take landscape and outdoor shots. Pictures taken with a polarizer have richer and more saturated colors.

If your camera won't allow filters, like a simple point-and-shoot camera, don’t fret! You can still have a polarizing effect on your shots by placing a good quality pair of sunglasses in front of the lens. It gives an effect similar to a polarizer. Just make sure that you place it to the lens as close as possible and the rims are not seen.

3. For an outdoor shot with shine, use your camera’s “flash on” or “fill flash” feature. This lets you control when you want the flash to go off, instead of it deciding when it wants to. This mode exposes first the background then adding enough flash to illuminate your subject.

For great results, place your subject where the sun illuminates the hair from the side or back. Alternatively, to let your subject be comfortable and not be annoyed by the sun’s heat, place your model in the shade then use the flash to illuminate the subject.

However, built-in flashes only have a maximum range of 10 feet. Thus, it would be better not to go too far from your subject.

4. Taking detailed shots of objects like flowers or small insects is easy with your digital camera. Most digital cameras have a feature called “close up” or “macro mode” usually indicated by a flower sign. With this mode turned on, you can take shots of objects as close as possible. However, you only get a shallow field-depth when taking close up pictures so it is better to focus on the most important part of the subject then allow the other parts of the image go soft.

5. Leveling the image may be difficult for amateurs as well as some pros. One way to get a level or an even shot, especially of a nature shot, is to look for some horizontal lines as guide. If you have a view of the horizon, where the sky meets the ocean, you can use that as your leveling guide.

If it still is difficult for you, you can try to take several shots at different angles so you’ll know which one would give you the best shot. After some time it will become natural for you to take even shots.

These are just some of the tricks you can do to take wonderful shots on your digital camera, be it a simple point-and shoot kind or the more professional SLR type. Photography is really an enjoyable and fulfilling hobby, especially when a lot of people also appreciate your shots. And it is not that difficult to have shots that most people will like. Just explore, read different books, and take advice from pros and you’ll surely be one of them in a matter of time.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Become A Competent Professional Photographer

Photography is an exciting field that is not only considered a hobby. One may choose to consider photography as a profession. Professional photographers engage their entire life in taking good images where they profit and make a name out of their great photographs. Their works can be displayed in art galleries, leading feature magazines, and newspaper front pages.

Many professional photographers have maximized the full potential of the communication network and the great development of digital photography and media. Many took the chance of engaging photography as their profession because of the commercial value it pays.

Being a profitable medium, photography requires more of a natural talent than formal training. However, it is very important to learn the techniques and technical skills to enhance the talents that will help you become a competent professional photographer in many fields. Here are some options for you if you would like to specialize in photography.

1. You may specialize in advertising where you can supply good photographs for catalogs, corporate and marketing promotional materials, and annual reports.

2. You may see yourself in the bio-medical field. You can create a compilation and illustration of medical studies and scientific documentation of images.

3. You can be a part of a digital imaging firm. You can work using all aspects of the latest digital imaging procedures and applications.

4. You may set up your own photo studio and photo laboratory. You will learn the knowledge on how to manage equipment and services in commercial studios and schools in your local area. You can also produce films and print digital photographs.

5. Involve yourself in the entertainment industry. This is where you will be assigned to on-set photography in any motion picture project.

6. Run your own art gallery where you can exhibit works of other photographers. You may also host gallery exhibits and book expositions.

7. You could profit more in specializing your talent in photojournalism. You may tackle human interest and behavior in newspapers and magazine features.

8. You can do image archiving and editing. You can research and catalog photographs in school and city libraries. You can also be a photo editor in publishing images in websites.

9. You can earn in portraiture where you will be given commissioned works and public engagements.

Photography is a profitable source of income if you are an expert of taking images. Many who are beginning to learn the techniques often learn from professional photographers. This will guide them to clarify their options on what to specialize on in the future.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Guide For Newbies In Photography

Photography is one of the most popular hobbies today, and a lot of photographers progressed from being a photo hobbyist to a professional who gets paid to do what they love. Being a great photographer requires a lot of patience, an artistic eye, and technical know-hows. To help those who are interested in becoming a photographer, here are some tips that will surely help them in creating beautiful, interesting pictures.

1. Choose the right camera

A photographer eats with his camera and sleeps with his camera. The camera is his life. Therefore, it is but very important to choose the right camera to shoot those perfect photographs. There are many kinds of cameras that aspiring shutterbugs can choose from, catering to different kinds of budgets. It goes without saying that the best cameras are the priciest ones. A good camera is a large but justifiable investment

These are the type of cameras available in the general market:

1. Disposable camera

2. Compact camera

3. Single lens reflex camera or SLR

4. Digital camera

Beginners are recommended to use the medium price range cameras such as Minolta, Pentax or Canon, which can take great-looking pictures almost as good as the top-of-the-line ones.

2. Select suitable lenses

Beginners can start off with two lenses, the first one from 28mm to 80mm and the second one from 80mm to 270mm. There are different kinds of lenses, the normal the wide-angle, the zoom and the macro lenses.

3. Distinguishing film types

Obviously, film is very important since the images taken are stored here. The most general kinds are colors are black and white films.

4. Choosing the right film speed

The general rule is, the higher the ISO number, the faster the film. Faster ISOs are for fast actions like sports, or for shoots where there is less light. For shoots with an abundance of light, a 100 0r 200 ISO will do just fine.

5. Balancing of color

The film should always be matched to the source of the light in order to produce desirable pictures. Unlike the naked eye, film sees different light colors, and if the light and film don't match, the colors will come out all wrong.

Photography is a great hobby that is recommended for everyone, men and women or young and old alike. Studying the right techniques is essential if you want to become good at it. Just following these guidelines and anyone can create great-looking pictures in no time.